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« Year 9 Assessment - Mi Tiempo Libre | Main | Year 8 - Mr Young's group make Pain au Chocolat! »

November 27, 2009


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sam b

hi miss yea i played on manic miner again i kind of found a cheat if you press the left or right arrow key and press spacebar while ur walkin you get to slide

sam b

hi miss got up lv4 in toilet game its weird u die whenu step on a leaf Hi Sam! I didn't know that and I made the game! Mme Croft

sam b

yea i got the hang of the t game in a few gos its kind of weird the guy in it has to get the key then jump into the toilet! It's mad - C'est fou! Mme Croft

sam b

hi miss its me again i played the other game theyre as good as the word shoot Great! I must admit, I never really understood how the toilet game worked! Mme Croft


i agree with becky i think u should put a other game like this for the next subject thx


I got 233 points! it was really fast on the last part. from John.s.m


Hi miss played the game and got up to level 7 it was great but a bit hard but ithink it helped me with my animals tahnxs 4 putting it on NIALL. Well done! Mme Croft

Luke P

Hi Miss Croft I got to level 6 with a few goes Luke P. Well done! Mme Croft

George K

level 5

layla x x

miss, i got to levle 6..i was rubbish but the game was really good it helped me a lot!! thank you!

Chrsitian L

Hi miss i got on to the last word of lv 6.
i love the game thank you for putting it on.


hi miss my score was 123 and i got up to level 4 but didi=nt compltete the level thanks its amazing

Rebecca w

Hi Mme Croft
I got to level 8! It was a really good game,I think it was the best one yet. Please can you put another one on for us like that when we are on the next topic!
Rebecca W :) Bien Sur! Mme Croft

Ryan f

hi mrs croft played game shooter got to level six on third time Ryan

Chelsea G

I only got to level 6 but I thought the game really helped with me learning about animals.
Thankyou for putting it on the blog (:
Chelsea G You're very welcome! Mme Croft

Eleanor D

Hi miss I also got to level 8. With a few goes. I really like this game. Thanks for putting it on. It helped me a lot with my animals.
Eleanor D Salut, Eleanor! I'm glad you like it and that it helped you! Mme Croft

sam b

hi miss got to level 8 cool game quiet hard though Well done!
Mme Croft

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